#43 :REverSAL


Title : :REverSAL

Creator : Karakara Kemuri

Last chapter update : ch13 <complete>

Tags : horror, action, tragedy, mystery, short

In a Nutshell

Ayame is a happy-go-lucky maiko (assistant geisha) with a strong sense in justice. One day, a man dropped a game-like console, which Ayame took home and out of curiosity, she keyed in her name in the console. The next day, she met the same man and returned the console, but as the clock strucks 6pm, Ayame, along with the man who is now sweating in panic, is transported to ‘another world’ that is a reversal of the Gion town she is currently living in. In this world, each human is given a weapon of choice to kill the group of zombies hunting them.



Story : There’s not much to review honestly because it’s a very short story (only 13 chapters). Basically girl, along with other characters, are transferred into a game-like location where they are required to kill the zombie-residents in that game. Kinda, very much, like Gantz, but without all the gratuitous nudity.

Art : Probably why i stayed, because the drawing is damn pretty. It’s basically huge black in on white backgrounds.


Setting : Gion, Kyoto. Modern day era.

Character : Errr the main character Ayame is quite interesting because she is full of justice (although never elaborated on the actual cause of Ayame’s story. Other than that, everyone else kinda meh. Except, yes, the pug is right here and hopefully he’s happy.

Overall : So sleepy. Well the manga is actually not bad at all, tolerable at worse and honestly wish it’s longer. Lowkey believe that this manga was cut off way before the closing date.


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